Ways to Render a Pear 007 – Watercolor on Arches Cold Press

Click on image to enlarge.

I tried my pear on Arches Paper. The Cold Press is one the roughest papers, and not easily damaged by excessive water. It holds onto the pigment, and is less likely to lift if that is a desired effect. Arches Papers are generally well liked. I like how solid and saturated the colors look on this paper, but the brushes don’t glide accross it as easily.
What is your favorite paper for watercolor?

Ways to Render a Pear 004-005 – Ipad with Oil pastel (rough)

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I thought I would show how the Oil Pastel looks done on the IPad in Art Set Pro when it’s not blended, a more fair comparison to the traditional oil pastel.

Ways to Render a Pair 002 – Ipad in Oil Pastel (blended)

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This is an exercising in how many ways can I find to render a pair, starting with some of the most basic. In this case on the IPad using the Art Set Pro App with the oil Pastel tool.